Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 07-01-2022, 10:14 PM   #17804
Join Date: Nov 2018
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
Looks like Andrews has some explaining to do not end of story quite yet...
You're referring to Karen Andrews I'm guessing, Fed Minister for Home Affairs, and yes, you're right. She has a lot of explaining to do. What she has been saying in the last couple of days has made no sense whatsoever. She also tried her best to pin this on VIC gov and then has back pedalled.

All the Twisties on here trying to blame the VIC gov. The so call "exemption" managed by TA and Vic Govt was purely to allow Novax to play at the AO IF he was to enter the country following the Federal guidelines, i.e., if fully vax'd he is ok to play without 14 days prison and if not fully vax'd, he'd have to do 14 days quarantine. It was purely a letter of confirmation of yes you can play if you comply to the Fed guidelines of entry to the country. It was in no way an "exemption" from being unvaccinated as the RWNJ are now trying to trumpet. Poor folks always trying to twist things to suit their twisted agenda.

Australian Border Force has the total control on visa applications to enter the country. Australian Border Force is run by the Fed's. The Fed's set the rules of entry to the country. The Fed's have two different rulings on the vaccine.

1) Greg Hunt, Fed Health Minister has apparently made a rule that even if one has contracted Covid within the last 6 months, you still must be double vax'd to enter Australia. But has it been officially documented? I cannot find any official documentation on this.

2) ATAGI, which is Fed run, says opposite. If you have had Covid in the last 6 months, you can be exempted from being vaccinated. See HERE for official document.

So Hunt has one rule, that he has apparently notified TA CEO of, but had failed to let the VIC gov know. ATAGI on the other hand, has another rule, that is on the Fed's gov's own heath website.

So how in the world has this got anything to do with VIC gov?? They don't make the rules of entry in to the country. The Fed's do that. Nor do they make the rules of being able to play at the AO. Tennis Australia does that. Not the VIC gov. Some might be forgetting that the AO is the AUSTRALIAN Open. Not the Victorian Open. It is run by Tennis Australia and it is owned by all Australian states and territories. Not Victoria.

And then to top it off, this is somehow Daniel Andrew's fault. Oh the poor RWNJ! Heads up their own **** looking for the sunshine that they believe exits in there.
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