Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 07-01-2022, 11:01 PM   #17809
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Pooka View Post
Also, any truth to the talk that NSW are going to stop counting Covid patients who were admitted to hospital for reasons other than Covid, but either had Covid already, or contracted Covid in hospital and are now being treated for Covid? Officially, they weren't originally admitted for Covid, so not a Covid patient apparently??

For example, Dominic was shot in the head, he was Covid + already before his unfortunate "accident", was admitted to hospital for a bullet wound, Covid kicks in and he's now having trouble breathing. His now getting treatment for Covid, but he is NOT counted as a Covid patient?? He's officially down as a gunshot patient.

If he dies because of the Covid causing him breathing issues, what is the official cause of death? Died because of gunshot wound, or Covid? The answer I would think is pretty obvious. But it's not so black and white across the Murray river, apparently.
Logic comes to the fore, but in reality he going to die for being a knobhead!
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