Djokovic’s lavish request denied as tennis boss’ exemption plea revealed
Novak Djokovic had a request from inside hotel detention rejected as a plea from the boss of Tennis Australia comes under scrutiny.
Tennis Australia boss Craig Tiley reportedly said the Australian Open’s “viability” depended on unvaccinated players being granted exemptions to compete if they had contracted Covid-19 in the past six months as fresh details about Novak Djokovic’s detention were revealed.
The Age also reports Tiley sent a letter to the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) in November seeking answers as to whether players who had been infected with the virus in the past six months would be exempt from needing to be vaccinated.
“The treatment of players who fall within one of these categories goes to the heart of the viability of the Australian Open,” Tiley allegedly wrote in the letter to ATAGI.
In a letter sent by Department of Health First Assistant Secretary Lisa Schofield to Tiley later in November, it was made clear that “people who have previously had Covid-19 and not received a vaccine dose are not considered fully vaccinated” and they would “not be approved for quarantine-free entry, regardless of whether they have received foreign vaccination exemptions”.