Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 09-01-2022, 11:26 AM   #17858
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

NSW records 30,062 cases in the current period and the 10-day average growth rate decreases to 1.1309 (from 1.1734) while the actual line finally drops below the predictive trend line.

Because of the extra RAT test results in Victoria yesterday, I am going to amend the total for yesterday to 30,581 (24,298 PCR + 5,923 RAT) and spread the remainder of the RAT test results (20,505) evenly across the previous 4 days. That still makes the 8/1 a new daily high for Victoria but not a National one.

VIC records 44,155 cases in the current period (a new record high) and the 10-day average growth rate increases to 1.2755 (from 1.2674) while the actual line remains above the predictive trend.

Queensland (11,174), SA (4,274), ACT (1,305), Tasmania (2,223) and NT (594) set new daily highs yesterday (7/1).

Finally, here is the predictive trend graph for both NSW / Victoria based on cases since Omicron was identified which, for our purposes, will be taken as December 1st.



Observatio Facta Rotae

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