Re: Covid 19 -
There probably isn't any need to labour the point but some countries are so far above their 90th percentile for a 10-day average that it is almost unbelievable.
Australia leads the way with a 10DA of 53,648 and a 90thP of 1,745 for a delta of 3,100%. Comparatively the USA is 325% and the UK 394%.
Most Asian countries had been staying well below their 90th percentiles but a few are now creeping above including: Israel 139%, Vietnam 145%, Lebanon 168%, South Korea 169%, Turkey 172%, Qatar 187% and Cyprus way ahead of the rest at 656%.
European countries are mostly over their 90th percentile with the worst being: Portugal 501%, Malta 524%, Spain 535%, Ireland 568%, Denmark 580%, Italy 608%, France 616%, Greece 852% and Finland 875%.
Africa is also starting to get worse with several countries well over the 90th percentile: Kenya 197%, Ethiopia 213%, Uganda 289%, Zambia 291%, Mozambique 317%, Angola 400%, Ivory Coast 404%, Mauritania 405% and Cabo Verde 742%.
South America has a few above the 90th percentile: Uruguay 131%, Argentina 316% and Bolivia 368% but the rest are still below.
North America (apart from the USA) has Panama 195%, Dominican Republic 279% and Canada with 578%.
Observatio Facta Rotae