Originally Posted by Blue Ice
It'll be interesting to see if they try the ministerial cancellation of his visa as suggested.
If they do that they are just going to look like the petty, small-minded overgrown children they really are.
Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva
The Philippines information is well under reality. From what I understand people need to pay to get tested there and many simply can't afford it.
Not the only country that applies to by a long way. I just report what is available.
Originally Posted by Pooka
Wow, NSW recorded a lowly 30,062 yesterday, and an even lower 20,293 today. Impressive result considering the situation there. Awesome result.
Well done NSW, leading the way, and showing the rest of the nation on how to keep the numbers down, even when the s**t has hit the fan.
I'd hope that was sarcasm becasue if it wasn't, you need to get off those meds. If you look at the testing numbers, you'll understand why they are down.