Originally Posted by FoxtrotGolfXray 5.0
Just received this in the mail. So many things wrong with this (just google Robert Malone for eg). Even if there were no issues with the content, not sure how they can think they'll be taken seriously if they aren't even prepared to put any identification on the paper. I'm guessing it's either a religious person or organisation by the sentence on the form on the back.
A lot of that going around. These misinformed people, want to mislead people only so that they can profit from them. Please visit this website, subscribe to this newsletter, buy this magazine, attend this rally with my t-shirt and cap, ect, etc etc. We are the "truth" tellers they keep bleating.
Some are not really the misinformed, just scam artists trying to scam the people by using strategic self-anticonformity (or reverse psychology), to trick people in to buying their stories/products. The Murdoch media group is one that falls into this category. They have played a major role in all this spreading of bull**** and misinformation worldwide.
It's funny how Rupert Murdoch's own organisation was leading and supporting the anti-vaxxer movements through his TV and print media outlets. But
Rupert was one of the fist to get vaccinated when the opportunity arose. He jumped the que to get jabbed ahead of all the Dr's, nurses, healthcare, etc. Just as our PM did.
Question, who was the first Australian to be vaccinated? Anyone know?