Originally Posted by FoxtrotGolfXray 5.0
Just received this in the mail. So many things wrong with this (just google Robert Malone for eg). Even if there were no issues with the content, not sure how they can think they'll be taken seriously if they aren't even prepared to put any identification on the paper. I'm guessing it's either a religious person or organisation by the sentence on the form on the back.
It's a joke isn't it. Robert Malone is a hero to our super anti-vax friends, even when presented with irrefutable evidence that he is not who he says he is and has not at all done what he claims to have.
In a published fire breathing document by his wife he is quoted as saying "these people are making billions off my work and what's in my head", or something to that effect. He is a scientist scorned.
Another one is Dr Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test. He won a Nobel Prize for this work. The claim is the test cannot detect Covid and every covid positive test is a fraud.
Anti-vaxxers claim that Dr Mullis has come out on record at extreme personal cost to him in 2020 and 2021 to alert the world to this fraud. Problem for them is, he died in August 2019, 5/6 months before the world ever heard of Covid. But they can't be told. Even with irrefutable proof our friends still tell us he spoke about it last year.
Their claims are based and copied from discussions and papers from the late 90's between him and other doctors, mostly based on discussions about PCR testing for HIV. Alot of the quotes attributed to Mullis in this fraud are were actually made by others and published under their name.
Even his widow has come out and said to stop cutting and pasting his discussions, texts, documents and editing videos to look like he is talking about covid now, but was a wide range of discussions from decades ago.
What they fail to realise is that the PCR is the basis for almost everything DNA and forensics related these days. If they believe that PCR cant detect covid then they have to accept that PCR can determine parenthood or provide DNA proof in criminal convictions.