Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-01-2022, 01:40 PM   #18064
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

In a small Israeli study of 1,928 health care workers of whom 1,650 received a booster shot, 44 subsequently tested positive for Omicron, only 5 of which were amongst those who received the booster. That's an incident rate of 12.8 for boosted against 116 per 100k person/days for un-boosted.

A longer term Israeli study of long-COVID patients which included 951 long-COVID patients and 2,437 infected individuals without long-COVID symptoms as a control group.

Key findings:

637 (67%) of the long-COVID patients were vaccinated.

The most commonly reported symptoms were; fatigue (22%), headache (20%), weakness (13%), and persistent muscle pain (10%).

Those who received two vaccine doses were less likely than unvaccinated individuals to report any of these symptoms by 64%, 54%, 57%, and 68% respectively (risk ratios 0.36, 0.46, 0.43 & 0.32 in the listed sequence).

They concluded that vaccination with at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was associated with a substantial decrease in reporting the most common post-acute COVID-19 symptoms and, in addition to reducing the risk of acute illness, COVID-19 vaccination may have a protective effect against long COVID.

It's worth knowing as the incidence of long-COVID (up to 6 months) in the unvaccinated ranges from ~50% at age 40 through to ~65% at age 65.


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