Not many took a liking to my excellent idea to recoup some money off those taxpayer funded parasitic vehikkles i gather .
Lets instead help out the Banks with taxpayer funds over the years and then sit back and watch the banks Rip us normal people off blind , or has such a thing already happened Ha ha ha ...No ? really ? Ha ha ha
Same goes for those american manufacture'ers , So what the fools invested x amount to build something , if the fools developed a business model and it flopped i find it obnoxious that the taxpayer has to fund/substitute/pay for the said fools enterprise , it should have died a long time ago and good riddance .
They can go and crawl back under their rock from whence they came i reckon .
Good riddance i say , remove the parasites on society and let the real world develop as it should .
$100 is letting you taxpayer taxpayers off lightly , who cares what your total bill is , pay-up! , , now that your macho aussie's cars are now defunct , then left the country after taking money not to , then left taking all the money and then left you with a can of garbage in which the taxpayer has supported all along your sense of macho heroizm , i say payup .
The non american GM/FORD people should take note next time when driving around , next time you see one on the road with some joker sitting there behind the wheel with it's nose up in the air driving around in the "Aussie car" , we paid for some of that ! , they're actually worse than a dedicated Dole Bludger imo ..
Paul ...